How to write a Linkedin Post

How to Write a LinkedIn Post for More Engagement

Do you want to elevate your Linkedin post? You must understand your audience first. And if you can do that, you can win the Linkedin engagement game. 

LinkedIn has become an indispensable professional networking platform, enabling individuals to connect, learn, and grow in their careers. Writing engaging LinkedIn posts is vital for making the most of this platform, as it helps expand your network, build credibility, and showcase your expertise. 

In this guide, I’ll share actionable tips on how to write a LinkedIn post to leverage engagement. Besides, I’ve also included some creative Linkedin post examples below. I’ll cover everything you need to captivate your audience and elevate your LinkedIn presence. Now let’s dive in.

Understand Your Audience

Believe it or not, no content can be perfect unless it resonates with the audience. The same goes for your Linkedin posts. You must know who you’re writing for and how your content is going to connect with them. And that’s what we call researching the target audience.

All right, now let me take how you can identify your audience. If you have followers (everyone has) on Li, you surely have an idea who follows you. You can check this in your 

– Post comments, 

– Your connections and 

– Those who search for you.

They could be like-minded creators, your disciples, or prospective clients. And trust me, their engagement with you mainly depends on how much value you add to your posts.

Here’s how you can research your audience. I’ll explain three types of audiences here.👇

  1. Like-minded followers or similar professional

Do you know what’s the funny part of Linkedin followers? Most of them are from your industry (similar professionals). But having mike-minded followers has many benefits.

Anyways, these audiences demand nothing but insights to improve their ability. The more you share your work experiences, insights, and tips with them, the better they will engage. 

  1. Prospect clients

If you’re a freelancer, you need to share posts that directly or indirectly promote your services. These contents mainly feature the pain points of your target audience (prospects) and how you can solve them. 

For example; I’m a Linkedin ghostwriter. I’ll create content that builds trust among those who really need someone to write content for their Linkedin branding.

Craft a Compelling Headline

Finally, we’re here at the writing part. And the most important part of a Linkedin post is none but the headline. The headline determines whether your post will engage with the audience or not. It creates a hook to drive the audience into reading the entire post. Now let’s see how to craft a compelling LinkedIn post headline.

The headline is a complete word game with psychology. It drains the maximum effort in writing a Linkedin post. Anyways, your post headline should contain some vital elements to make it powerful, such as

  • A problem your audience is going through,
  • A resolution to that problem,
  • Something that entices.

Apart from that, it should also be visually attractive. I meant to say, use ‘Bold’ or ‘Italics’ font style to make it eye-catching. However, Linkedin doesn’t have a bold and italic text feature by default. You can use a free tool called Yaytext

Moreover, using emojis is also a great option to give your headline a perfect meaning and visual. To get a better idea of how to use emojis on Linkedin posts, follow good creators and observe their content.

Note: I prefer writing the headline after completing the entire post. Because it allows you to make it more compelling while being relevant to the topic.

Write Engaging Content

Now let’s start writing the content. The content is what persuades your readers. Whatever the headline points should be available in the content to make your content engaging plus useful. But before that let me tell you, normally there are two types of Li posts; informative and promotional. 

Whatever you post to help others; by sharing experiences, tips, ideas, industry updates, etc. belongs to informative content. On the other hand, those you share to promote your services or products are promotional content. By the way, you can combine the two to promote your services while also sharing value with your audiences. This is a creative way to drive maximum leads.

Some best practices for an engaging post;

  1. Write as if you’re talking to one person, not a crowd
  2. Use common words, simple and short sentences
  3. Split the paragraphs into different contexts
  4. Add relevant emojis in each context
  5. Use lists in bullets or numbers
  6. Use images or Gifs
  7. Add white gaps

Once you’re done writing the body, shift into creating a CTA. Remember, a Linkedin post is  

Note: People these days don’t like reading but scrolling. Try to make your posts as scrolling-friendly as possible.

Optimize Your Post for LinkedIn

You know what! Sometimes very good Linkedin posts fail to engage due to poor optimization. Hence, you must keep an eye on your post’s optimization before hitting the ‘post’ button.

Consider Hashtags and Tagging: 

Utilize relevant hashtags [#] to increase your post’s visibility in specific topic areas. Research trending or industry-specific hashtags to reach a broader audience. Tagging people or companies adds context and encourages engagement from those mentioned. However, be mindful of tagging only when it adds value or highlights their contribution.

Maintain Post Length and Format: 

how to write a linkedin post format

Always remember short sentences are great for content writing; it enhances user experience and engagement. Keep posts concise and scannable, with 1-3 lines per paragraph. LinkedIn’s character limit is 1,300, but shorter posts perform better. Aim for 200-600 characters to balance substance and readability. Break up long posts with bullets, emojis, or bold text (using tools like Yaytext). In addition, white space enhances readability, making your content more scroll-friendly.

Maintain Consistency and Authenticity

Whether it’s Linkedin or Twitter, or any other platform, consistency is a vital thing. If you keep sharing quality content consistently, you’ll see positive results soon. Hence, make sure you’re not giving gaps in posting.

Develop Your Brand: 

Use a unique and consistent voice that reflects your personality and values. Besides, share content aligned with your expertise, passions, and goals. It helps build your personal brand, making your posts more recognizable and relatable.

Balance You Content Types: 

Mix informational and promotional content to keep your audience engaged without appearing overly salesy. Strive for an 80-20 balance: 80% informational (industry insights, tips, experiences) and 20% promotional (your services, products, or achievements). This balance ensures you provide value while subtly showcasing your offerings.

Measuring Your Post’s Performance

Sharing quality content is not the end of your task. You need to keep an eye on analytics to measure how the posts are performing. Besides, measuring content performance also allows you to create better posts in the future.

Analyze Engagement Metrics: 

Keep track of post impressions and engagements to gauge your post’s success. High engagement typically signifies your content resonates with your audience. However, don’t forget to respond to comments and engage in conversations to maintain rapport and encourage further interaction.

linkedin analytics

Use Insights to Improve: 

Review LinkedIn analytics regularly to identify trends, popular topics, and areas for improvement. Analyze factors like posting time, content type, and post structure to fine-tune your strategy. Moreover, you need to adapt and repurpose your content based on these insights to maximize engagement in future posts.

Creative LinkedIn Posts Examples

Okay, now let’s see some good examples of Linkedin Posts. Anyways, I haven’t included any carousel here because that’s a different type of content. Observe them closely.

LinkedIn post examples
Visit post
creative linkedin post examples
Visit Post


In summary, I’d always say to understand your audience first to achieve more engagement on LinkedIn. If you know your audience, you’ll likely write better Linkedin posts following the above methods. By implementing these strategies, you can build a strong personal brand and maximize your impact on LinkedIn. Now, it’s time to put these tips into practice and elevate your LinkedIn presence. Good luck!


How long should my LinkedIn post be?

A LinkedIn post can be up to 1,300 characters long, but it’s essential to strike a balance between being informative and concise. Aim for 200-400 characters for better engagement and readability.

How often should I post on LinkedIn?

Consistency is key when it comes to posting on LinkedIn. Aim to post at least 2-3 times a week to maintain visibility and engagement with your audience.

What is the best time to post on LinkedIn?

The best time to post on LinkedIn varies depending on your audience. In general, weekday mornings and early afternoons tend to have higher engagement rates. Experiment with different posting times to find what works best for you.

Should I use emojis in my LinkedIn posts?

Emojis can add personality to your posts, but use them sparingly and professionally. Ensure they are relevant to the content and don’t overshadow your message.

How can I increase engagement on my LinkedIn posts?

To boost engagement, craft compelling headlines, use visuals, tag relevant people or companies, and utilize hashtags. Also, engage with your audience by responding to comments and encouraging discussion.

Can I repurpose my blog content for LinkedIn posts?

Yes, repurposing blog content for LinkedIn posts is a great way to maximize your reach. However, make sure to adapt the content to suit the LinkedIn platform by shortening the text, adding visuals, and optimizing it for your target audience.

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